Disclaimer: The digital data provided by the City of Wilmington is intended for schematic purposes only. It has been prepared for the inventory of facilities found within this jurisdiction and is compiled from subdivision plans, as-built plans, design drawings, aerial photographs and other public records and data.Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public primary information sources should be consulted, in conjunction with field verification where required for the verification of the information contained within this data.The City of Wilmington makes no warranty, expressed or implied concerning the accuracy and completeness of this data, and the users are advised that their use of the data is at the user's own risk. The City of Wilmington assumes no legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this data.The recipient of this data may not copy, sell, or otherwise redistribute the data to any parties without prior written consent of the City of Wilmington.
- A link to the working software application
- A text-based description of the application
- A thumbnail image of the application
- Be original software apps solely owned by the applicant
- Use at least one of the maps or datasets found in the Gallery
- Be free to the public, or have a clearly defined fee structure
- Recognize that the City reserves the right to restrict access to the Gallery